Hampshire County Council invited Planet Wise to help design and implement a travel safety course for a team going to Sri Lanka post-tsunami in 2006. Under the direction of the Emergency Planning Department, an audit was undertaken of the council’s travel procedures and documentation. Upon completion, a revised and updated policy document was published and introduced to the team that were to be travelling. This was comprised of social services specialists whose aim was to help set up a child protection scheme in Sri Lanka.
Planet Wise ran an initial training course for this team focusing on the practicalities of their project – from personal safety to keeping healthy and dealing with the stresses of working in a developing country which had been so devastated by a natural disaster.
The course was well reviewed and Planet Wise was invited back to run additional courses for other teams of HCC employees heading overseas. HCC’s head of Emergency Planning also introduced Planet Wise to Suffolk County Council, who had similar challenges and concerns about their staff travelling to the area.
The Planet Wise team delivered an excellent course that fully met our requirements.
Ian Holt, Emergency Planning Manager; Hampshire County Council